Kick off meeting of SAVE- WATER 

The meeting was held at the Ionian University, Corfu on 26th of July 2018.



Ana Verushi

President of the Regional Council of Korca


Elvis Mocka

President of the Regional Council of Vlore


Theodoros Galiatsatos

Governor of the Region of Ionian Islands


Ioannis Fontanas

Vice- Governor of the Region of Ionian Islands


Markos Avlonitis

Ionian University


George Papadopoulos

Coordinator JS Gr-Al


Katerina Tsamouri

JS Project Officer


Valbona Avdullaj

Regional Council of Vlore


Jeta Xhelilaj

Keshilli Qarkut Vlore


Haralamb Pandehi

Keshilli Qarkut Vlore


 Edison Caushaj

Keshilli Qarkut Vlore


Nakas Georgios



Theodoros Stavrakas



Nikolaos Revis

Region of Ionian Islands


Georgiou Theodoros

Region of Ionian Islands


Rogkoti Dimitra

Region of Epirus


Katsaros Anastasios

DEYA Kerkyra


Gjergji Kristo

Legal Councilor


Mariela Alickolli

Project Manager, Regional Council of Korca


Liljana Plegi

Financial Manager, Regional Council of Korca


Georgios Samiotis

Research Associate TEI Western Macedonia


Amanatidou Elisavet

Prof. TEI Western Macedonia


Sifakaki Kalliopi

DEYA Ioannina


Spyros Voulgaris

Ionian University


Mr. Fontanas and Mr. Avlonitis welcomed everybody, and then the set the framework of the conversation. Mr. Fontanas suggested to Ms. Ioanna Avloniti to present all the attendees and to Mr. Pandehi to translate the speeches from Albanian to Greek.

The floor took Mr. Galiatsatos, who welcomed the participants and focused his opening on the importance of the project “Save Water”. He stressed out that the Region of Ionian Islands will do every necessary action for the easy implementation of the project.

Furthermore, Ms. Verushi declared solidarity to the Greek people affected by recent wildfires and asked for a moment of silence for the people affected by the wildfire. After that, she pointed out project’s significance for the participating regions. Later she referred at the objectives set at the twinning procedure of Region of Ionian Islands and Regional Council of Korca, which are two: tourism & agrotourism and agriculture. About SaveWater Ms. Verushi said that it will be a part of the solution regarding the drinking water deficiency problem of the regions. She believes that this partnership will work well and she is expecting for positive results of the project.

Unfortunately due to the translation the speech by Mr. Mocka is not recorded

Mr Galiatsatos expressed his gratitude to Ms. Verushi and Mr. Mocka for their solidarity of the Albanian state to the Greek victims due to the fire. He added that these actions and these initiatives strengthen the relations of the two countries.

Mr. Fontanas made a reference to the way the project was chosen and the necessity of its implementation.

Mr. Avlonitis spoke talked about the origins of this project and about the importance of its implementation for the participating regions. Then he proceeded with any steps need to undertake for the implementation. Then Mr. Voulgaris explained the implementation process, how each partner has to start implementing the procurement plan and prepare the tender procedures and calls and of course the physical implementation of WP 3 and WP4.

Mr. Papadopoulos who represented JS requested the Greek beneficiaries to send their procurement plans, so the MA will give the preapproval or not. If a partner has not the preapproval from the MA, it could not contract. He advised to mature the project, to do any administrative actions until they have the preapproval from the MA.

Mr. Voulgaris presented the budget and the procurement plan of the Ionian University.

Then each partner presented its organization and the work of plan about their implementation.. In the following order:

PB2: Rogkoti Dimitra Region of Epirus

PB3: Valbona Andullaj, Regional Council of Vlore

PB4: Mariela Alickolli Regional Council of Korca


PB6: Sifakaki Kalliopi DEYAI

PB8:  Amanatidou Elissavet TEI Western Greece

Finally, Mr. Avlonitis stressed out that the work has to start immediately regarding the implementation of the work packages and the next meeting has to be organized. Mr. Fontanas closed saying he is optimistic for the implementation of the project and that the Region of Ionian Islands is starting to “fight on” the SAVE WATER project.